Thursday, February 7, 2008

Starting Seeds

Well, I just made my first attempt at starting seeds yesterday. I had a packet of Cosmos sent to me in the mail, and yesterday I saw a packet of Lobelia seeds at the store. I like Lobelia for a border plant, and the Cosmos will give me some nice height in the back of the bed, so I decided to start them. I've never done it before, so I bought one of those starting trays with the peat pellets. Apparently it will take a few weeks to get them going, and then I have to harden them off before planting them outside, but thats ok. They way my soil is here, I doubt they would have stood a chance if I were to just start the seeds out in the "sandbox," as I like to call it. I figure I'm giving them a better shot at survival by nurturing them indoors for a few weeks!

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